- There are many things to consider when animating a creature. Like what kind of creature they are dictates how to creature would move. If they're a giant like a skyscraper they wouldn't have graceful movements the way a ballerina would move.
- Include diversity in your reel and when you're animating. When animating different actions you should use a different kind of character every time, like a short one or a heavy one so you aren't limited. When creature animating you should think about the size and weight of it and give it realistic actions, cause if its made up the audience wouldn't understand it probably not like it
- It's really important not to limit yourself to just animating people; animating creatures is extremely important too since it's a part of a lot of animated films so far
Creature design is one of my favorite things but I've never done creature animation before. I'd like to try it soon, this article makes it seem like a huge challenge though.
Another thing I like about this article is that it keeps giving us tips about things we should include in our reels.
Why does it matter if the creature is moving realistically, I thought uniqueness was better?